


Band dibentuk sebagai teman dekat dari dalam pelay
anan pemuda, awalnya bernama ‘Powerhouse Pemuda’, yang dipimpin selama bertahun-tahun oleh Donna Crouch. As the house band for the youth meetings of Powerhouse, the band played covers of Hillsong Church and various other ministries’ music, sometimes members contributing to Youth Alive and its’ albums (Darlene Zschech was involved in Youth Alive before Hillsong Church). Sebagai band rumah untuk pertemuan pemuda dari Powerhouse, band ini memainkan sampul Hillsong musik Gereja dan berbagai departemen lain ‘, kadang-kadang anggota menyumbang Alive Pemuda dan album nya’ (Darlene Zschech terlibat di Youth Alive sebelum Hillsong Gereja). Dr. Mark Evans (Macquarie Uni) states in his Ph. D thesis, “A youth b
and was formed from the Hillsong music team, which took what was happening in the church musically and played it louder and rockier, appealing directly to a youth demographic”. Dr Mark Evans (Macquarie Uni) menyatakan dalam tesis Ph.D-nya, “A band pemuda terbentuk dari tim musik Hillsong, yang mengambil apa yang terjadi di gereja dan bermain musik keras dan berbatu, menarik langsung ke pemuda demografis “. Steve McPherson, Deb Ezzy and Donia Makedone
z were significant members. Steve McPherson, Deb Ezzy dan Donia Makedonez adalah anggota yang signifikan. Powerhouse grew and was split in the late 1990s into two youth groups, ‘Powerhouse’ (18–25 years of age) and ‘Wildlife’ (12-16 yrs). Reuben Morgan , assisted by Marcus Beaumont and Tanya Riches were placed in charge of the Powerhouse band, with the former Channel V Leg-Up competition winner ‘Able’ band boys, Joel Houston and Marty Sampson in charge of Wildlife, while Luke Munns was the main drummer, and Michael Guy Chislett the main
guitarist. Powerhouse tumbuh dan terpecah di akhir 1990-an menjadi dua kelompok pemuda, ‘Powerhouse’
(18-25 tahun) dan ‘Margasatwa’ (12-16 tahun). Ruben Morgan , dibantu oleh Marcus Beaumont dan Tanya Riches ditempatkan bertugas dari band Powerhouse, dengan V-Channel pemenang kompetisi Leg Up mantan ‘anak band’ Mampu, Joel Houston dan Marty Sampson bertugas Wildlife, sementara Lukas Munns sang drummer utama, dan Michael Guy Chislett gitaris utama. In the Summer of 1997, the new team made a huge impact at their youth ministry’s Summer Camp. Dalam musim panas tahun 1997, tim baru membuat dampak besar pada pelayanan pemuda mereka Summer Camp. After coming back from Summer Camp, the many youth ministries in Hillsong Church joined together as one, and started to call the nights, “UNITED” Nights. Setelah kembali dari Summer Camp, banyak pemuda kementerian dalam Gereja Hillsong bergabung bersama sebagai satu, dan mulai panggilan malam, “UNITED” Nights.
Delirious?’ Martin Smith ’s song ‘Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble’ was the theme song of the camp, and the momentum of youth carried well beyond the camp into church services. Delirious? Martin Smith lagu ’s’ Apakah Anda Rasakan Menggigih Pegunungan “menjadi lagu tema dari perkemahan, dan pemuda dilakukan momentum baik luar perkemahan ke dalam pelayanan gereja. Reuben Morgan wrote ‘My Redeemer Lives’ as a way for the youth to continue worshipping, along with many other songs that appear on the album ‘By Your Side’ written by Marty Sampson and Luke Munns ‘Stay’. Reuben Morgan menulis ‘My Lives Penebus’ sebagai cara bagi para pemuda untuk terus beribadah, bersama dengan lagu lain yang muncul di album ‘Dengan Side Anda’ ditulis oleh Marty Sampson dan Lukas Munns ‘Tetap’.
Darlene Zschech suggested to Reuben that they make an album in 1998 after many songs were written in the youth ministry, and the EP ‘One’ was recorded. Darlene Zschech disarankan untuk Ruben bahwa mereka membuat album pada tahun 1998 setelah banyak lagu ditulis dalam pelayanan pemuda, dan EP ‘Satu’ tercatat. The album was packaged with the Hillsong annual album, and both achieved Gold sale status in Australia. Album ini dikemas dengan album tahunan Hillsong, dan keduanya Gold status Dijual dicapai di Australia. ‘Everyday’ was recorded in 1999. ‘Setiap hari’ tercatat pada tahun 1999. The band continued to release an album each year, rebranding as Hillsong United in 2002 after Reuben Morgan stepped down as co-worship leader of the band. Joel Houston , the eldest son of the church’s senior pastor Brian Houston , stepped up to lead the group together with Marty Sampson. Band ini terus merilis album setiap tahun, rebranding sebagai Hillsong Serikat pada 2002 setelah Ruben Morgan mengundurkan diri sebagai penyembahan pemimpin co dari band itu. Joel Houston , anak tertua dari senior pastor gereja Brian Houston , naik untuk memimpin kelompok bersama-sama dengan Marty Sampson.
Current members of the Hillsong United band include Jonathon Douglass (JD), Jadwin “Jad” Gillies, Annie Garratt, David Ware, Matt Crocker, Dave Ware, Sam Knock, Dylan Thomas, Joel Davies Peter James, Adam Crosariol plays bass guitar , Simon Kobler & Brandon Gillies play drums . kini anggota band Hillsong United termasuk Jonathon Douglass (JD), Jadwin “Jad” Gillies, Annie Garratt, David Ware, Matt Crocker, Dave Ware, Sam Knock, Dylan Thomas, Joel Davies Petrus Yakobus, Adam Crosariol memainkan gitar bass , Simon Kobler & Gillies Brandon bermain drum . Former original drummer Luke Munns made a transition from the drums to front the rock/indie band LUKAS. Mantan drummer asli Lukas Munns membuat transisi dari drum ke depan rock / indie band LUKAS. Popular New Zealand artist Brooke Ligetwood (aka Brooke Fraser ) recently joined the band when she joined the church, first appearing on United We Stand . Selandia Baru artis Populer Brooke Ligetwood (alias Brooke Fraser ) baru-baru ini bergabung dengan band ini ketika dia bergabung dengan gereja, pertama muncul di United We Stand .
The annual Hillsong United CD/DVD was recorded over many years during their October youth conference Encounterfest , with the album released in the first quarter of the following year. The tahunan Hillsong United CD / DVD dicatat selama bertahun-tahun selama konferensi pemuda Oktober mereka Encounterfest, dengan album dirilis pada kuartal pertama tahun berikutnya. The 2007 album All of the Above was the first album to be fully studio recorded, containing videos of songs on the DVD. Album 2007 Semua atas adalah album pertama yang sepenuhnya studio rekaman, berisi video lagu di DVD. The band has toured in a number of countries, leading worship to thousands in North and South America , Europe , Asia and Africa . Band ini telah melakukan tur di sejumlah negara, memimpin ibadah ribuan di Utara dan Amerika Selatan , Eropa , Asia dan Afrika .
Following his marriage to Michelle on November 2006, Marty stepped down as one of the main worship leaders of the band. Setelah menikah dengan Michelle pada November 2006, Marty mengundurkan diri sebagai salah satu pemimpin ibadah utama band. He contributed two more songs with United, ‘Devotion’ (which he wrote & sang on the album) & ‘Saviour King’ (which he wrote w/ Mia Fieldes), before he officially stepped down. Dia menyumbangkan dua lagu lagi dengan United, ‘Pengabdian’ (yang ia menulis & bernyanyi di album) & “Raja Penyelamat ‘(yang ia menulis w / Mia Fieldes), sebelum ia secara resmi mengundurkan diri. These songs were part of the 2007 release All of the Above . Lagu-lagu ini adalah bagian dari rilis 2007 Semua atas . Brooke replaced Marty as one of the principal worship leaders of the band, while Marty moved on to join the main band to serve as one of main Hillsong worship leaders alongside Darlene and Reuben. Brooke digantikan Marty sebagai salah satu pemimpin ibadah utama band ini, sementara Marty pindah ke bergabung dengan band utama untuk melayani sebagai salah satu pemimpin utama ibadah bersama Hillsong Darlene dan Ruben.
Hillsong United posted on their Facebook page March 28th, 2010 that they were in the studio recording. Hillsong United diposting pada halaman Facebook mereka 28 Maret 2010 bahwa mereka berada di studio rekaman. There could possibly be a new studio album in the making. Ada mungkin menjadi album studio baru dalam pembuatan. It is not know if this is the second part to “Across the Earth” titled “This Means Love” or not. Hal ini tidak tahu apakah ini adalah bagian kedua untuk “Across the Earth” berjudul “Artinya Cinta ini” atau tidak. But new material is in the making! [ 1 ] Tapi materi baru dalam membuat.

I-Heart Revolusi

Hillsong United tidak berangkat untuk membuat film atau membangun sebuah komunitas online, tetapi menanggapi inspirasi yang mereka alami saat tur dunia. As the band saw extreme poverty first hand and the injustices associated with it, they questioned “if the worship within the four walls of a Church is having no affect on the streets travelled to get there, then maybe we’re (as Christians) missing the point.” I-HEART is the response to this question and has since evolved into a social justice movement. Sebagai band melihat tangan kemiskinan ekstrim pertama dan ketidakadilan terkait dengan hal itu, mereka mempertanyakan “jika menyembah dalam empat dinding dari Gereja adalah tidak memiliki mempengaruhi di jalan-jalan pergi ke sana, maka mungkin kita (sebagai orang Kristen) hilang titik. “Aku-HATI respon terhadap pertanyaan ini dan telah berkembang menjadi gerakan keadilan sosial.
In 2008, Hillsong United released ‘With Hearts as One,’ a double CD and DVD. Pada tahun 2008, Hillsong United merilis ‘Dengan Hati sebagai Satu,’ double CD dan DVD. Shown in 200 cinemas across Canada alone, it’s aim was to capture the heartfelt singing at Hillsong United Events around the world to illustrate the global unity Christians have when worshiping. Tampil di 200 bioskop di Kanada sendiri, itu bertujuan adalah untuk menangkap bernyanyi sepenuh hati di Hillsong United Acara di seluruh dunia untuk menggambarkan orang-orang Kristen kesatuan global saat menyembah. Hillsong United’s recordings are intended to, as Joel Houston, the Creative Director of Hillsong Church explains, “stir up a generation both locally and globally to live lives that are sold out for God and His Cause – lives that are committed to being His hands and feet on the planet, and to bringing justice to the hurting and the broken.” rekaman Hillsong United dimaksudkan, sebagai Joel Houston, Direktur Kreatif dari Hillsong Gereja menjelaskan, “membangkitkan generasi baik lokal maupun global untuk menjalani kehidupan yang sudah habis terjual untuk Allah dan Penyebab-Nya – hidup yang berkomitmen untuk menjadi tangan-Nya dan kaki di planet ini, dan untuk membawa keadilan kepada melukai dan rusak. “
In 2009, Hillsong United went on to launch ‘We’re All in This Together,’ the second part of I-HEART. Pada tahun 2009, Hillsong United melanjutkan untuk memulai “Kita Semua dalam ini Bersama-sama,” bagian kedua dari I-HATI. It is a feature-length film that examines the inseparable union of worship and justice. Ini adalah film panjang yang menguji persatuan yang tidak terpisahkan dari ibadah dan keadilan. Using real stories and animation, the film inspires and challenges people to think creatively about helping people, and then to act, contributing to the global I-HEART movement of people helping people. Menggunakan kisah nyata dan animasi, mengilhami film dan orang-orang tantangan untuk berpikir kreatif tentang membantu orang, dan kemudian bertindak, memberikan kontribusi bagi gerakan aku-HATI global orang membantu orang.
To further facilitate this action, an online community has been created as interactive space for collaboration. Untuk lebih memfasilitasi tindakan ini, komunitas online telah dibuat sebagai ruang interaktif untuk kolaborasi. Part three of I-HEART; puts legs on the inspiration of the film, as a united force of recognizing need, sharing ideas and working together to do something to help people. Bagian tiga I-HATI; menempatkan kaki di inspirasi film, sebagai kekuatan bersatu dari mengenal kebutuhan, berbagi ide dan bekerja sama untuk melakukan sesuatu untuk membantu masyarakat. As Joel Houston explains, “Imagine a global online community where at any moment you can see what other like-minded people all around the world are doing locally to make a difference. Sebagai Joel Houston menjelaskan, “Bayangkan sebuah komunitas global secara online di mana setiap saat Anda dapat melihat apa orang yang berpikiran lain di seluruh dunia melakukan lokal untuk membuat perbedaan. It’s about being the change.. Ini tentang adalah perubahan .. Locally, and together having global effect..” Individuals have the opportunity to learn about global issues through the I-HEART 20 CAUSES, inspire others, be inspired themselves and collaborate around social justice issues on a global level. Lokal, dan bersama-sama yang berpengaruh global .. “Individu memiliki kesempatan untuk belajar tentang isu-isu global melalui I-20 PENYEBAB HATI, menginspirasi orang lain, akan terinspirasi diri mereka sendiri dan berkolaborasi dalam isu-isu keadilan sosial di tingkat global. Organizations can similarly build an interactive profile of their own, attracting and building support. Organisasi yang sama dapat membangun profil interaktif mereka sendiri, menarik dan membangun dukungan. Collectively, the website is a new space for purposed based dialogue, working together; to help more people; help more people. Secara keseluruhan, website ini ruang baru untuk dialog berbasis tujuan, bekerja sama, untuk membantu lebih banyak orang; membantu lebih banyak orang.




Title Released Series
A Beautiful Exchange 2010 Praise & Worship
Across The Earth: Tear Down The Walls 2009 United
Aftermath 2011 United
All of the Above 2007 United
All Things Are Possible 1997 Praise & Worship
Amazing Love 2002 Worship
Awake 2000 Youth Alive


Title Released Series
Best Friend 2000 United
Blessed 2002 Praise & Worship
By Your Side 1999 Praise & Worship


Title Released Series
Celebrating Christmas 2005 Christmas
Chosen One 1996 Youth Alive
Christmas 2001 Christmas


Title Released Series
Everyday 1999 United
Everyone 2006 Praise & Worship
Extravagant Worship: The Songs of Darlene Zschech 2002 Compilation
Extravagant Worship: The Songs of Miriam Webster 2007 Compilation
Extravagant Worship: The Songs of Reuben Morgan 2002 Compilation
Extravagant Worship: Songs of Joel Houston 2010 Compilation


Title Released Series
Faith + Hope + Love 2009 Praise & Worship
Faithful 2003 Worship
Follow You 2008 Hillsong Kids
For All You've Done 2004 Praise & Worship
Forever 2003 Instrumental
For This Cause 2000 Praise & Worship
Friends in High Places 1995 Praise & Worship


Title Released Series
God He Reigns 2005 Praise & Worship
God Is in the House 1996 Praise & Worship
God is Able 2011 Praise & Worship


Title Released Series
Hills Praise 1997 Compilation
Hope 2003 Praise & Worship
Hail To The King 2008 Hillsong London


Title Released Series
I Believe the Promise 1997 Other
The I Heart Revolution: With Hearts As One 2008 United
In a Valley by the Sea 2007 United


Title Released Series
Jesus Is 2006 Hillsong London
Jesus Is My Superhero 2004 Hillsong Kids
Jesus Is: Remix 2007 Hillsong London
Jump to the Jam 1994 Youth Alive


Title Released Series
King of Majesty 2001 United


Title Released Series
Look to You 2005 United


Title Released Series
Mighty to Save 2006 Praise & Worship
Millennium: The Story So Far
(see The Platinum Collection Volume 1: Shout to the Lord)
2000 Compilation
More Than Life 2004 United
My Redeemer Lives 2001 Other


Title Released Series
One 1998 United
One 1999 Youth Alive
Overwhelmed 2000 Worship


Title Released Series
People Just Like Us 1994 Praise & Worship
The Plan 1998 Youth Alive
The Platinum Collection Volume 1: Shout to the Lord 2003 Compilation
The Platinum Collection Volume 2: Shout to the Lord 2 2003 Compilation
The Power of Your Love 1992 Praise & Worship


Title Released Series
Saviour King 2007 Praise & worship
The Secret Place 1999 Instrumental
Shout God's Fame 2004 Hillsong London
Shadow Of Your Wings 1999
Shout to the Lord 1996 Hosanna! Music
Shout to the Lord 2000 1998 Hosanna! Music
Show Your Glory 1990 Early studio-recorded album
Simply Worship 1996 Worship
Simply Worship 2 1997 Worship
Simply Worship 3 1998 Worship
Spirit and Truth 1988 Early studio-recorded album
Songs for Communion 2006 Worship
Stone's Been Rolled Away 1993 Praise & Worship
Supernatural 2006 Hillsong Kids
Super Strong God 2005 Hillsong Ki


Title Released Series
Tell the World 2007 Hillsong Kids
The I Heart Revolution: With Hearts as One 2008 Hillsong United
The Very Best of Hillsong Live 2010 Hillsong Live
This Is Our God 2008 Praise & Worship
To the Ends of the Earth 2002 United
Touching Heaven Changing Earth 1998 Praise & Worship


Ultimate Collection Volume II 2008 Compilation
Ultimate Worship 2005 Compilation
United We Stand 2006 United
Unidos Permanecemos 2007 Other
UP: Unified Praise 2004 Hillsong and Delirious?

Title Released Series
Yahweh 2010 Praise & Worship
You Are My World 2001 Praise & Worship


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